

  • Population 5.1 m
  • Area 107,029 km²


Isfahan, a province in the heart of Iran, is like a shining gem on the expanse of this ancient land. It is as if the history and civilization of Iran have been mixed together in this province and created a unique picture of splendor and greatness.

Isfahan or Esfahan is like a shining gem not just in the country but between other big cities in the Middle east. Sometimes We call it: “Isfahan,nesfe jahan”, that means Isfahan half of the world or sometimes we call it : “Isfahan Persia or Iran Persia” which means half of the Persia is concentrated in this part of the Persian territory.AS a joke if you search the keyword like “Isfahan province Iran”, you will find out that the result is mostly about Isfahan instead Iran as a whole country . If somebody starts to visit Iran and misses Isfahan, He or she has lost the chance of visiting Iran, believe me.


History of Isfahan

Today Isfahan city is known as the capital of Isfahan province. Isfahan Province is one of the pivotal points in the economy. There are thousands of factories that are active in Isfahan city. If you just fooling around in the old city of Isfahan you can find many ancient monuments of Isfahan in narrow old fashion streets made in Safavid  era in Isfahan, around 16 century Safavid  dynasty rule Iran and raised Isfahan beauty in a way that after 400 years you can find master pieces which you cannot find nowhere unless Isfahan city. From an aesthetic point of view Esfahan is a real gem which glorifies not only in this country but other parts of the world. Isfahan is a holy city, a Paradise which lasts forever and the whole country is looking after it like a piece of gem that should last for next generations.
Because of the natural and man-made beauties, tourism in Isfahan developed in any aspect and Isfahan tourism now considered as a master key point in Iran Isfahan tourism. As an expert I can recommend Isfahan to visit and enjoy, relaxing and see the beauty and tranquility of this old fashion city which its actual history goes back to thousand years. But the ancient monuments of Isfahan return to Safavid  era, a dynasty that runs parallel to ottoman dynasty as a rival and because of this occasion the whole country specially Isfahan city as the capital of that era made a competition which resulted in Isfahan beauty today fortunately. from different points of view and among Isfahan tourist attractions and among thousands of Isfahan monuments, bazaar of Isfahan is one of the best places to visit in Isfahan. You can find life in narrow and small streets and city gardens of Isfahan. The main road of old downtown of Isfahan named “ chahar bagh '' , means four gardens that first of all you should consider Isfahan as a garden city , second you should know how greens are important in our country as one of the hottest and thirstiest countries in the middle east and whole Asian of the best tourist attractions in Esfahan is “ shah abbas isfahan hotel”, that in origin is a Safavid  caravansary changed and renovated to a five star Isfahan hotel and the atmosphere is unique and tranquil in a way than nobody wants to leave it and the taste of that hotel remains for whole life.


Tourism in Isfahan

If you want to travel to Isfahan, you should remember Isfahan is located in Isfahan province of Iran. Isfahan has good transportation system and Isfahan international airport has different local and international Airport which works 365 days of year and thousands of tourists which have Isfahan plan in their diary use Isfahan flights to shorten the time as unless we have good roads whole the country exclusively as a metropolis, the shortest way from capital, Tehran to Isfahan is around 5 to six hours, so Isfahan flights will help you to visit Isfahan as a target to your plan.


How you arrange your Itinerary


If you decide to visit Iran, include Isfahan as top priority in your itinerary, please never miss it, In Isfahan you can find the best handicraft shops and food courts, you can enjoy shopping in all streets meanwhile you can concentrate on Isfahan beauty which never repeated in your life again. In Isfahan you can find ancient monuments of Isfahan in ordinary narrow roads and streets. You can find tranquility and silence in the hot desert of Iran beside the big river in the center of the city. You can find different old fashion bazaars and palaces , museums , old fashion houses which remind you the colorful stories of Alibaba and Sindbad, you can find different of colors, blue color of the river “Zayandeh rood”, means “ live river”, beside green gardens of Isfahan which returns to thousand years of culture and history, you can enjoy reach cuisine of Isfahan, you can enjoy the pulse of modern life in the new shopping malls and stores which established like new and modern style of contemporary life in present world. The majority of people in Isfahan understand the second language so you can make good connections while visiting them in the market. There are numerous coffee shops, restaurants, kebab houses, tea houses, workshops and other business places which you can enjoy and taste the Iranian and Isfahan province

cuisine. joining different kinds of museums and palaces is a unique experience.
Dining and choosing where to eat Isfahan delicious foods and beverages, deserts, puddings and Sweets.
when you fooling around in narrow streets of old town in Isfahan better to indulge yourself eating different kind of ice creams and special kinds of puddings just you can find in Isfahan, in Isfahan you can find tasty puddings like “Fereni”, “ khoresh mast”, “ sholle zard” beside main dishes like “biryani” , a dish made from lamb neck , delicious, full of Greece and different kinds of herbs and spices, you can eat kebabs and different kinds of rice and vegetables…etc. In Isfahan. In Isfahan you can find different kinds of religious mosques and houses today changed to museums. You can visit “ Aali ghapoo palace, “ , “ blue mosque” , “ chehel sotoon palace” , “ imam Mosque”, “ qeisarieh main bazaar”, “ hasht behesht palace”, “ jami mosque” that each one is like a gem and visiting them is in a way mandatory for every tourist visiting Iran , so next time planning to visit Isfahan Iran, include these sites to your itinerary , you never lose your money but saving hundred times. Visiting “jami mosque” is a unique experience and it means you have a complex experience of visiting other mosques whole the country.
Beside visiting cultural sites, you should know Isfahan has a vast variety of natural resources which can be mentioned as an attraction, visiting Esfahan. Imagine just few hours away from Isfahan you can find deer, wild sheep, wild ibex, different birds of prey, even seabirds. Finding a lot of wildlife in the heart of the desert is a unique experience you will never forget .
Around Isfahan to the south, you can find different cities, full of beauties which even for us is a dream to visit, especially in spring and summer. In Isfahan you can find small boutique hotels that originally were old houses changed to guest houses to accept lower budget tourists and backpackers and young tourists. So even young people can visit Esfahan in the best way.


Travel to Isfahan,When and how


The best time to visit Isfahan is spring and summer. Isfahan has cold winters, but during winter you can experience different tastes of the country. Meanwhile, because in winter there are not so many visitors, the price of the hotels is low and you can save your money and spend it in other cities. From 21st of march our new year ceremonies start and hundreds of thousands of national tourist rush to Isfahan to visit, we have 13 days holidays and every pace is closed, visiting Isfahan during these days is not good idea and better not to go there, after than our spring season starts and whole the nature of Iran changes. Spring and summer are the best times for blooming trees, weather changes and everything is delicate. Keep in mind we are living in a very hot climate, hot as 50 degrees on some occasions, so if you intend to visit Iran in summer be careful about this hot climate. For some people tolerating this hot climate is risky. So visiting Isfahan in July and August is a little hard and tricky.


Pros and cons


Isfahan or Esfahan is a very huge city today, as other metro police, it has big transportation system, which is a bonus for tourists, you can find very good buses running between cities, you spend little money just for few dollars to find a ticket to go to other cities like shiraz, Yazd and Tehran. You can find good places to stay for reasonable fees, and you can find delicious foods at a very low price. Actually Isfahan is a natural and man-made heaven for tourists in any form, budget and age. Next time you intend to visit middle east, never forget to visit Iran and exclusively Isfahan as I told you:





If you want to visit Isfahan, you have chosen a piece of cake. Isfahan has the highest potential as a tourist target, best transportation system, attractive sceneries, good hotels and good restaurants. There is no doubt, make your decision.
“Isfahan nesfe jahan “, it means: “Isfahan half of the world “, if you miss Isfahan, you lose half of the world.
We wish to see you in the near future.


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