

  • Population 2 m
  • Area 14,992 km²


hormozgan province is located on the sea shores of Persian Gulf in the south of Iran.  Bandar Abbas is the capital of the province and it is one of the richest parts and one of the most strategic parts in Iran and it has a great share in transportation and import and export of goods to Iran and other countries. In fact, Bandar Abbas is like a window to Iran and a window from Iran to other countries. Bandar abbas and Bandar abbas port is a focal point in Iran's transportation system and because of this important point, hormozgan province is a strategic part of the country. bandar abbas port is big enough to accept very huge ships and each year millions of tons of goods transport via Bandar abbas port to Iran and other neighbor countries like Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and many Asian countries which they do not have access to free seas.

History of Hormozgan


 You can find many camels and goats in Hormozgan province. Camels can tolerate the hot weather of hormozgan, especially in summers when the temperature rises to +50 degrees.  In land which dry and salty, goats live better than sheep and because of this most of the cattle are consist of goats and in some places you can find water buffalo instead of normal cows and bulls, if you visit hormozgan you can find thousands of palms, they produce huge amount of dates and export it to other countries of the world, fishery is a part of normal life in province and you can find many medium size fishing boats called “lendge” in old times. This fishing or transporting boats are made from a very special kind of wood imported from India but today most of them are made from Fiberglass and polymers. But even more than 95 percent of this boats are made from polymers .still  you can find some workshops which make the boats from wood and visiting this workshops is very attractive for tourists which visit south of Iran especially hormozgan province and Bandar Abbas. Life in hormozgan province is not very simple. Shortage of water is shown everywhere but you can find out how genius the people of hormozgan were and by inventing very sophisticated water reservoirs gathering small rains ,they could continue life .generation by generation they passed this experience to their children until today. The water reservoirs of Hormozgan are unique and interesting enough to make you stop your car and take a look at the sophisticated and simple structure of water reservoirs of this province. 


tourism in  Hormozgan


hormozgan Beach and port of bandar abbas tourism bring a huge amount of revenue to the country and because of this revenue the government invests millions of dollars each year in hormozgan province.
hormozgan province has many small islands which today changed to tourist destinations and each year thousands of tourist’s rush to visit this small Islands and enjoy beauties of those Islands. “Gheshm” and “Kish” islands are the biggest and both serve millions of national and international tourist in 4 season of Iran. In kish you can experience the natural life of locals and you can find one of the beautiful subterranean water reservoir and channels name as “Qanats” and you can visit modern life of newcomers which migrated to kish island in recent years. Kish Island is experiencing modern life and you can taste both classic and modern life of Iran in a very small place.
hormozgan province has very different natural sceneries, Iran has diverse natural resources and hormozgan has different Ecosystems that are unique in the Persian Gulf and even in the world. If you visit neighboring provinces you can find this difference in detail.Behind zagros mountains you can find vast deserts that their temperature in summer ranges above 50 degrees .In this situation open seas of the Persian Gulf is like a blessing of god. Mother nature has been more generous to people on the seashores of Persian Gulf. Even the mountains are so different from other mountains of Iran. hormozgan is so diverse in flora and fauna and you can find unique animals and greens very different from other parts of Iran. In hormozgan you can find Laristan mouflon which is the smallest sheep in the world. You can find small gazelles of hormozgan, wolf, and fox, Jackals, wild boars and many other animals which are unique in the country. Even the greens, trees, shrubs, grass and other flowers are so different from other parts of the country.
In Bandar Abbas you can find “Harra forests”, the forest of Mangroves which are floating on water and there are small boats which bring you very close to the mangroves and you can touch them by hand. It is interesting that those trees are floating and living on the salty waters of Bandar Abbas and Persian Gulf”.
Bandar Abbas tourism is rich enough to attract thousands of tourists from neighboring provinces and other parts of the country  specially in new year holidays.  many international tourists rush to Bandar Abbas in hot summers to enjoy more pleasant weather of Bandar Abbas and neighboring provinces of Iran.

culture and customs of Hormozgan


People of hormozgan are warm, kind, flexible, very religious and friendly. They are very kind in a way that If they find a tourist, they treat them like the tourist is a king. They are generous, they serve guests like their family, they are very helpful and respect you so much 
A unique custom is "Saakht", where the groom's family delivers gifts and colorful clothing to the bride's house in a celebratory ceremony.
Bandar Abbas has an old history and is a cocktail of culture and religions. Because of the port of bandar abbas many different people came to bandar abbas through centuries this cocktail got Richer and Richer until recent years. Because many Indian sailors came to Bandar Abbas, you can find today a very beautiful religious temple which today people name it bandar abbas hindu temple or bandar abbas vishnu temple. Unfortunately, today bandar abbas vishnu temple is not active today and you cannot see any ceremonies in bandar abbas vishnu temple .
Their closing is different and matched by the hot and humid weather of Persian Gulf, most of the people of hormozgan Province speak Arabic and majority of them speak Farsi ,the official language of Iran, too. The outfit of most women is little tribal and they wear colorful fabrics and the men wear mostly whitish robes name as “deshtash”.
The cuisine in bandar abas and hormozgan province is very different and tasty, you can find many tasty and delicious sea foods, rice and stew, very tasty sweets and candies, spices and delicious Kebabs and barbeques in bandar abas and other cities of Hormozgan province

How to arrange your itinerary?


Making an Itinerary to hormozgan province and bandar abbas port is tricky. Because millions of tourists visit Kish and Bandar abbas port each year, finding a flight is not simple and even if you find the ticket , finding a hotel is not simple. hormozgan province is a normal destination for local people and because of this it is better to ask a travel agent to arrange a package tour to hormozgan province. Our professional staff on sanapersian.travel tour and travel agency are ready to consult you from beginning to last steps of your travel to Iran. 
Best time to travel to Hormozgan
Because the weather is hot compared to the northern provinces of Iran, visiting hormozgan province in winter and summer is a better decision . Many people love warm and hot weather and they visit hormozgan and bandar abbas in summer too. 



Visiting hormozgan and Bandar abbas is fun and brings you much joy during your trip to Iran. If you have enough time you can visit Kish Island for more recreation. We can arrange bookings in a short time and give you the best service to make a memorable trip to Iran and hormozgan province. Please do not hesitate to ask us any question and follow our social pages. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Until then.

 (Sana Persian tour and travel service provider group)

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