

  • Population 1.1 m
  • Area 22,742 km²


Bushehr is a very historic province. Its history goes back to nearly 4000 years ago. Bushehr people mostly were fishermen who lived around “bandar bushehr” or Bushehr harbor.



 One of the oldest places in Bushehr is Siraf Harbor or bandar siraf which from very old times people of south of Iran lived in it and witnessed different dynasties and governments.Persians, Achaemenids, sassanids, partians, Mughals, Arabs, safavid, Qajars and even pahlavis governed Bushehr through history.
One of the other important places in Bushehr is Deylam harbor, a very historic city near Persian Gulf.
Bushehr province is located very close to the sea of Persian gulf and bandar bushehr is not just only a historic place but its strategic role in transportation is very clear nowadays.
One of the other attractions of Bushehr province is iran bushehr nuclear power plant which is known as the first nuclear power plant in Persian gulf and is stablished truly before 1978 revolution.


Tourism in Bushehr


Bushehr is famous not just only for historic places but it is so attractive because of its natural beauties. The wooded pastures and jashak salt mountain is one of the other attractions which is known for national and international tourists who intend to visit and taste the natural sceneries of Iran.
One of the important cities in Bushehr province is kangan city. It is very close to “Asalooyeh” city and because of good weather comparing to other cities, it is like dormitory for oil and gas workers which try to find an escape to recover from hot and polluted weather of Asalooyeh gas and oil refinery. Most of the families of the workers and engineers are living in Kangan. Form the historic point of view Kangan is famous because of kangan palace and many people intend to visit this palace each year.
One of the most important attraction of Bushehr province is The jashank salt dome or “kooh-e-namak” in Farsi language and in some locations name it as “Dashti salt dome”. It is one of the most beautiful salt domes in Iran and It is located in Zagros mountains in south western of Iran. the salt dome Is between Dashti conty and Deyr county in Bushehr province. Actually this dome is made from natural salt deposits formed through evaporation of brine water. This dome is enlisted in world heritage sites of Iran.

Culture and customs 


Bushehr province is a very hot and humid place. Living in Bushehr is not simple specially in hot summers of Persian Gulf. still , bushehr people are very warm, happy and open minded people.
bushehr people speak Farsi which is a little odd because most people of adjacent cities in Hormozgan and Khuzestan speak Arabic.
bushehr people are very happy and love music. Their music is rooted in the music of African people. bushehr people love dancing and their dance is so different. Their dancing Is like African countries. In the old days the sailors of Bushehr started to make a new line between bandar bushehr harbor and African harbors to transport goods between two continents and because of this many African people migrated to Iran from Africa and brought new race and culture to Iran. Even today you can find many African looking people living in Bushehr and even their accent Is very different from normal genuine Iranian people of the beautiful bushehr.
Even the musical instruments of musicians of Bushehr are different from the other parts of the country. Imagine how colorful the music of bushehr people is because of this diversity. The flute of Bushehr musicians is tuned like African flutes and their drum is different and named as “Dammam”. Dammam is double sided and in normal cases the musicians play Dammam beside some specially formed cymbals in funerals and religious events to fill the heart of people with sorrow and remind them to understand what happened to the religious leaders of Islam 1400 years ago. This shows how important religion is in Bushehr province and other parts of Iran and because of this the musicians of Bushehr are continuing the traditions of their ancestors and transfer this culture to other generations from 14 centuries to this time.
Bushehr city architecture Is unique because of the form and the special stone bricks and stone tiles which are cut from the natural stone mines  of Bushehr.
Actually these stones are made from precipitation of salts and the remains of coral creations through the old history of Persian Gulf. If you visit bandar bushehr or Bushehr port, you can find many homes and structures made from this special kind of stone and you understand how old Bushehr city is and how unique the architecture of this city is.
Bushehr cuisine is unique, fabulous and different from other parts of the country or even other cities of the Persian Gulf. The Bushehr seafood dishes are very spicy and delicious . You should taste a special kind of stew names as “Ghelieh Mahi” that is made from fish and tamarind Sause and vegetables to understand how delicious is this dish. It is savory and tasty and normally served by a big dish of white plain rice and a very special spicy cake named “Ranginak” which is very sweet and fluffy and has spices you cannot find anywhere in the world.
You can find another special dish made from rice and salty shrimp which is unique not only in Iran but even in other countries around the Persian Gulf.
You can find different outfits of men and women made from colorful fabrics and you can find the best of them in wedding ceremonies and some other happy parties. bushehr people are happy and try to forget hardships of life through dancing and playing music .

How to arrange your itinerary?


The tourism infrastructure of Bushehr province is unique. Choosing the best time is a little hard for tourists which are not very adapted to the hot and humid climate of the south, especially Bushehr province. It is better you take advice from local people or you can consult our professionals in sanaPersian tour and travel service providers team. The people of this agency answer all your questions and help you to enjoy and make a memorable time visiting Iran and Bushehr province. Our colleagues are ready to answer your questions and fulfill your needs 24/7.  we are looking forward to see you soon in the beautiful land of Bushehr province specially Bushehr city. See you soon.
Best time to travel to Bushehr
As mentioned above Bushehr is located in south of Iran, so obviously it is hot and humid. The best time to visit Bushehr is in late autumn and early winter. During summer Bushehr is hot like a furnace and very humid.
The hot and humid weather of south and Bushehr province it not tolerable for people who live in cold and moderate weather of western countries.
If you are living in cold countries, I never recommend you visiting Bushehr province in summer. You cannot tolerate temperature of 50 degrees and humidity of above 90 to 100 percent in hot summers of Bushehr province.
In other words it is better to choose the time when in other parts of the country you can see snow and ice. Now you can imagine how diverse Iran is. Just by a short flight you can ski in north and north west of Iran and you can swim in the mellow,hot and salty waters of Bushehr shores of this province's natural beaches.


 (Sanapersian tour and travel service provider group)

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