

  • Population 722K
  • Area 96,816 km²


semnan province is one of the widest provinces in the whole country. From the north it reaches north Khorasan , Golestan and Mazandaran province, from the south it is neighbor to Isfahan and south Khorasan province and from west it reaches Qom and Tehran province which means the total area equal to 96,816 square kilometers is covered by this province in the country.


History of Semnan


Semnan has a very old history and from old times many different tribes and people lived in the vast territory of Semnan and you can find this rich culture in the architecture of Semnan city and neighboring cities like Dameghan and shahrood.
semnan Is vast and because of different climate zone in different locations, it has different alternatives flora and fauna, for instance in some dry places like borders of North Khorasan you can find the gold plant called “Saffron” and in some places the producers of Silk are active and export raw silk or processed Silk fabrics to other places in country.
The province has different tribes and Kumshi people make majority of people in semnan province, these tribes have lived from old time in vast territory of old Persia and even today you can find many of them in semnan province.
Because of the vast pastures of Semnan, sheep and cows pasture during spring and summer and because of this, Semnan has a prominent role in meat and dairy production and exportation to other parts of the country. For example, from old times, Semnan was the main supplier of meat and dairy products for the army and even now the armed soldiers of the country rely on Semnan food products and dairies.

Tourism in semnan


In Khar Turan National Park you can find preserved different genuine flowers and plants and on the other hand , different animals like genuine trans Caspian sheep and Ibex, Persian brown bears, fox, wolf, Armenian sheep, red sheep and even hyena in the very last land which was dedicated to Khar Turan National Park. If you go to different parts of Khar Turan National Park you can find many genuine plants of Persian territory which is like a collection of flora and fauna is gathered in a library and because of this diversity of genetic stock , each year thousands of student rush to this national park to study and collect information to complete their projects and finalize their study.
Semnan province's picturesque natural scenes are attractive enough to absorb thousands of tourists during spring and summer and attract many adventure tourists to fulfill their adrenalin needs during autumn and winters. Each year many hikers try to approach high peaks of the mountains in Semnan and neighboring mountains of Semnan borders with other provinces.
Semnan is a really beautiful land and has a good role in the tourism industry. In old times, people of neighboring provinces visited semnan suburbs in hot summers to cool down and enjoy the beautiful scenery of semnan and escape from the crowded city atmosphere. Even today national tourists fulfill their travel needs there and because of this a big amount of money flows and or in other words is injected into the Semnan economy. Fortunately, this money is now invested to make a good infrastructure in the tourism industry and by making new hotels and accommodation infrastructure the number of tourists visiting semnan increases exponentially and the amount of money which is invested in this way increases in a logarithmic way.
Jami mosque of Semnan is a good example of old fashion four ivan mosque which established in the first century of Islam and during seljuq dynasty and timurid eras refurbished and added more spaces according to the needs of the progressing society of those old times.
The seljuk minarets of jami mosque of Semnan are famous because of height and form and they belong to the Seljuk dynasty. This minaret is located in the north east corner of Great mosque and attracts the sight of many architectural views of visitors of Semnan jami mosque.
One of the other examples of Semnan architecture is damghan jami mosque in damghan city. This old city which its name in old time was 100 gates city has a rich history which return to partian dynasty. This mosque is another example of old fashion 4 Ivan mosques and has a very unique minaret which attract the sight of each viewer and give a special beauty to whole structure.
One of the other attractions of Semnan is Tarikhane mosque which is located in Damghan city and today you can find just remaining of pillars and some roofed places and it is believed this mosque is the first mosque stablished in first half of first century of Islam and it is located on a fire temple and this adds more credit to this historical mosque and architectural attraction.
As mentioned before Semnan province has many beautiful attractions and in city of Shahrood you can find a natural picturesque event which adds more beauty to semnan province itself. Because this city is located adjacent to Caspian sea and just a tall wall of mountain divide internal hot central desert from humid Caspian sea atmosphere the humidity of Caspian sea flows in form of natural waterfall of clouds to the central desert and stay like a natural lake for a while and because Iran is located in a very hot and dry land it is very attractive for local tourist who visit hot and dry internal land of Iran and they cherish this natural event in a form which is not very understandable for international western tourist.
Because of this each year thousands of tourist rush to cool city of shahrood just to visit this natural event and enjoy cool weather of shahrood itself.
This special point of country known as “jangl-e-abr” or cloud forest is very close to shahrood city and today because of touristic revenues progressed more and changed to a small city beyond to last small historical village years ago.
One of the tranquil and cozy place in semnan is “shahrmirzad” city which has a very cool weather in winter and it is famous because of the gardens which produce the best dried fruit in whole province. it is a very touristic city and each year thousands of tourists visit this city and villages around it to forget hot summers of internal parts of the country and enjoy their time visiting the real old fashion gardens of shahrmirzad city in semnan province.
sites in kharaghan and bastam is very attractive for people who seek Sufism in culture of Iran. the tomb of “Sheikh abolhasan kararghani” is one of the most attractive places for many Muslims and the shrine of sheikh-e-bastam is another place which is visited by millions of local tourists who would like to know more about this leader of Sufism from centuries ago.
Semnan Is mostly known just by local and national tourists of Iran. few international tourists intend to visit Semnan province and the lack of infrastructure is obvious when you visit Semnan. If we put these shortages aside, Semnan is one of the places which includes unique sites and sceneries inside and because of this uniqueness it attracts thousands of lovers and visitors during summer or winter. In each season you can find unique sceneries and you can enjoy them according to your taste.

Culture and customs of semnan


From the ethnicity point of view, semnan is one of the most diverse places in Iran which is famous as the land of tribes and ethics. different tribes like Kurds, Turks, lurs, Arabs, Baloch, Gilak and Tabaries are living together and make up the most concentrated area of different tribes in Iran.

How to arrange your itinerary?


Because of weak infrastructure in tourism specially in accommodation it is better to find a local tour and travel agency to find a proper place to stay and find a good guide to explain details of sites .
It is better you ask from local guides to teach you about details and proper time to visit. Our people in sanapersian are ready to help you to find the best time to travel to semnan according to your ideal taste and needs. We are looking forward to see you soon in semnan province. Until not hesitate to ask us any question and you can find us on social media pages. 

Best time to travel to Semnan


Semnan has different climate zones and when in hot summers the temperature reaches high enough to fry eggs in southern places, you can enjoy from cool weather of mountainous places and cities like shahrmirzad cool city at the same time.
In case of time, the best time is depending on which site you like to visit . winter is attractive for many adventure tourists who like to raise the adrenaline in their body but for cultural tourists the best time is in late spring and early summer. In this time whole the country is green and all the flowers and trees are blooming. In case of “jangle abr” or cloud forest, the fall is the best time to visit .In other times the chance to visit this cascade is lower and mostly you cannot see it if you visit the place out of proper time.


  (Sana Persian tour and travel service provider group)

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