

  • Population 1 m
  • Area 11,524 km²


qom or qum is one of the cities near Tehran (the capital). Qum is famous as an iranian holy city . 


History of Qom


Qum architecture normally is on mosques, some of them are very old and some of them very new. Old historical mosques are about hundred years old and their architecture is different between the different eras that they were established. The Shrine of “Hazrat-e-Masoumeh” is a real masterpiece ,  because of delicate tiles and other ornaments like small pieces of mirrors that cover the walls and interior and exterior surface of the beautiful dome of the shrine. The central dome is covered by a layer of pure gold and shines from kilometers far away. 
Even the land of qum is salty but they have a good farming system. In qum farmers plant wheat and oat, almonds, pistachio and some other nuts, and some other garden plants.
Finding fresh water in qom is not very simple but today the government supports the people of qom to have fresh water for life and agriculture.

Tourism in Qom 


There are many different monuments and shrines and tombs of masters in religion and each year hundreds of thousand people visit them. qum after Mashhad is the second religious place to pilgrim and many people wish to visit the shrine and the mosques around it.
In qom there is an old bazaar which didn’t change from old times and visiting bazar is another attraction for people who wish to visit qum and surroundings.
Most of the tourist visit holy shrine and they visit qum just for religious reasons. There are many cultural centers which attract people to visit Qom , because of this there are plenty of small hotels , quest houses, luxury hotels and hostels which serve pilgrims during their stay in qum. The quality of accommodation is not the same but finding a small hostel or guest house is not very hare. But in some special religious events finding a tent is tricky. Because of this it is better for all tourists, even religious tourists, to find accommodation before visiting qom city.
As mentioned before, Qom is a holy city of iran and each year millions of pilgrim’s rush to Qom to visit the holy shrine of “Hazrat-e-masoume”, sister of Imam Reza, the eighth Imam of shia faction in Islam.
One of the natural attractions around qum city is Namak Lake or Salt Lake which is famous as a wandering or errant lake too. Actually in the center of Salt Lake is a mount . Because the size and form of the lake is changing during the time , people imagine the mount in center is moving and the location of mount is changing during the rainy season. Now you understand it is just an illusion and the mount is not moving.  the lake Is Just changing and people imagine the mount is moving.
Qum or qom has a  famous sweet called “Sohan” . It is one the best souvenirs you can find. People Not only in qom but in the whole country are crazy about it. In old times which crystalized sugar did not exist , for sohan typically  wheat sprouts or flour is used as a base, along with ingredients like egg yolks, rose water, sugar, butter or vegetable oil, saffron, cardamom, and slivers of almond and pistachio. “sohan” changed to a very popular and tasty sweet. Everybody visiting Qum should buy some “sohan” for the family.it is a good tradition you should follow if you visit Qum.
Because of huge number of tourists visiting qom every year, you can find many hotels , boutique hotels and other accommodation facilities to support thousand pilgrims try to visit holy shrine In qum.

culture and customs of Qom


The foods of qum is colorful and different but among all foods you can try in qum like fried chicken of qum and “falafel”, “dizi” gom is different, dizi is lamb meat stew mixed by onion and chickpea and herbs to spice. the taste of turmeric and onions is amazing, all of the ingredients are boiling in a special stone vessel named “Dizi”. dizi gom is one of the foods you never forget if you try to eat it . So next time you intend to visit qum, never forget to try this traditional food . 
and qum Persian rugs, qum rug or qum carpet is famous because of quality, design and colors. Compared to other cities that produce carpet, qum rugs are known as first class rugs in quality and design, qum Persian rugs are exported to many other countries and today qum rugs is higher than Isfahan and Kerman in quality ranking. Gom silk rug is better than Tabriz and Isfahan Rugs and today ghom silk rug is exported to galleries of Europe and other western countries.  
Qum is very religious and there are many religious schools and “madreseh” in Qum which are active to teach religious students .  those students  after graduating start to work in mosque and other religious schools in Iran or in another country.
Religious holidays and festivals like Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and Ashura are observed with great devotion and community spirit. There are also unique local festivals like the commemoration of the arrival of Hazrat Masoumeh, including traditional rituals and processions.

Qom tends towards conservative social norms. Dress codes are more strictly observed, with women typically wearing headscarves and modest clothing. Public displays of affection are generally less common compared to other parts of Iran.
In Qum you can find hundred mosques and religious centers and because of this there are many international clergymen which visit qom during pilgrimage to the holy shrine.

How to arrange your itinerary?


In special religious events Qum is very crowded. You should book your accommodation first because finding a shelter is a big deal.
In qom you can find many hotels, even small hotels to stay in. qom hostel is a convenient place to stay and you can find it at a very reasonable price.
If you like to visit qom it is better to find a hotel first, after you can choose a car to visit qum. It is better to ask from a travel agent or local guide to fulfill your needs visiting qom and holly shrine. In many events like “Ashura and Tasua” and other occasions millions of religious tourists’ rush to Qum to visit the shrine and finding a taxi or even a small room is not possible.
It is better to ask a travel agent to change your itinerary and include a one-day tour to qum to your program to prevent problems during your visit to Iran and qom province.
Our staff on sanapersian.travel are ready to arrange your itinerary in a very proper way. We are looking forward to seeing you in Qom soon.  contact us on Our social pages or our professional website. 
the distance between Tehran and qum is around two hours riding and there are several bus and cars which transfer pilgrims from Tehran to qom and from qum to Tehran.
There is a railway from Tehran to qum and other cities in the south and you can hire a taxi to transfer you from anywhere to qum city.
Fortunately, Qum is not far from the international airport and many tourists have the chance to visit Qum on their way from Isfahan to Tehran. It means on the last day of the tour they have a chance to visit qum and after visiting there , go to Airport and leave the country on that same day.

Best time to travel to Qom


Qom is a very hot city but in winter it is frizzing. Although it is a very hot and dry land, it also has many suburbs and rural areas which have cool weather and a more delicate climate. Some places like “Kahak” have a very delicate climate and many local people in hot summers rush to that place to chill and enjoy the cool weather of mountains. 
There is no limitation in visiting Qom in one day. you can visit Qom in summer and winter. The only problem in thin context is the religious calendar of Iran which is not known between tourists. Before visiting Qum in special religious events, you have to find a place to stay so you can  visit Qum and the shrine better , there is a chance you cannot find even a small hostel or hotel.
The best time to visit Qum is in spring, all the trees are blooming and the weather is cool enough to tolerate and you can enjoy the beauties of Qum. In winter Qum is freezing and in summer it is like a furnace.
The best time to visit Qum is in spring and fall . but if you like to visit Qum in winter or summer, it is ok. 

 (Sana Persian tour and travel service provider group)


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