

  • Population 3 m
  • Area 23,842 km²


Mazandaran province is located beside the south Caspian Sea. Gilan and Golestan are the other provinces that surround the Caspian Sea and because of the warm and humid climate these three provinces make the green belt in the north of Iran

History of Mazandaran 

 Mazandarn has an old history and is a cradle for culture and architecture of old people who lived in Iran for more than 2500 years. Before Arians settled down in Iran many tribes lived in old Iran and each one made their own territory and made their own culture. Mazandaran is one of those tribes that its people have lived and ruled the territory for thousands years. They were very brave and many epics mentioned them. mazandaran people showed their bravery through history and supported the country in many different aspects of life. Mazandaran is a rich province and nowadays has a specific role in the economy of Iran. mazandaran nature is very rich in any concept and not only it has a very good farming system because of richness in soil and land but also it has a good industry investments from old times. Around hundred years ago and during industrial reformations many factories were established in Mazandaran. One of the important fabric factories established in mazandaran province was named “nassaji Mazandaran factory”. This company was very popular at that time and it has a football team named as “nassaji Mazandaran” which was very popular in the past and even now it has a good position in the national league of Iran. iran mazandaran nassaji team has a good reputation and many young people are fans of nassaji Mazandaran team and follow and support it in the best way. mazandaran province was famous in the past because of the mazandaran tiger which went extinct unfortunately many years ago . still, people of mazandaran were nicknamed mazandaran Tigers because of their bravery and power in poetry and literature. Even today we call people of mazandaran as Tigers to raise their credit in society . The capital of mazandaran province is sari city, a huge metropolis which not only is vast in size but also is rich enough to export millions of dollars of goods to other neighbor provinces ,even to other neighbor countries like Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries around Persian Gulf. mazandaran province exports mazandaran kilim and rugs, woods, rice and other grains, meat and dairies, orange and other citrus fruits, nuts, fabrics, silk and many other natural and industrial products and because of these revenue millions of dollars’ investment was gathered and government supports many economical holdings in recent years. mazandaran is famous because of its natural life and sceneries. It is a paradise for national tourists and nowadays many foreign Arab tourists choose this destination beside religious cities like Qom and Mashhad for pilgrimage.  mazandaran is a cradle for old Persian culture too. Because of its old history you can find many masterpieces of architecture and culture. You can find mosques and other religious facilities beside modern life of mazandaran today. As mentioned before mazandaran has a very beautiful natural scenery, among all of those natural sceneries, Hotu and Kamarband Caves in Behshahr iran mazandaran has an astonishing view in mazandaran province which attracts many adventure tourists each year. mazandaran province has delicate weather and because of this most of the local people in iran choose mazandaran as their first destination all year. There are many people visiting mazandaran province for the hundredth time.  


Tourism in Mazandaran


As mentioned above Mazandaran has a unique position in attracting tourists in Iran. Most of the country is covered by desert and finding a green place in the center of Iran is a wish. Because of this shortage , most of the people choose Mazandaran as their first destination to visit and they repeat and repeat again to enjoy it more and more during their life. The capital of mazandaran province is sari city. sari has a good international airport and many roads end to Mazandaran and sari , so traveling from remote areas of the country is possible and because of this roads transportation is simple today. Many foreigners visit Mazandaran and stay there for a month. There are many local people who have mansions in Mazandaran and sari and stay there for a long time. The food there is delicious and many restaurants serve national and international foods to hungry tourists that visit mazandaran province during seasons. In Mazandaran you can find a special chicken and rice dish seasoned by pomegranate paste called “Akbar Joojeh”. It is delicious enough to leak our fingers and enjoy eating it for days and nights. You should taste their food to understand how colorful is their table and how delicious their food is. Mazandaran and its “Hyrcanian” forests are unique in the world because of virginity and beautiful sceneries . The sea itself is beautiful enough to attract thousands of tourists each year. In Mazandaran and sari, you can find good accommodation from local villas to very high quality hotels and boutique hotels. If you have enough time you can hike the mountains and go on excursions to very unique and virgin forests and enjoy the natural sceneries of sea, mountains, forests, lagoons, and if you like you can enjoy watching birds  during your stay in Mazandaran province. In Mazandaran you can find many migratory birds migrating from north and Siberia to Iran and start breeding in lagoons and marsh lands of Mazandaran in winter and you can find wild animals like wild boar, red deer, yellow deer, wild Ibex, mouflons, wild horses, wild rabbits, wild cats, reptiles, snakes and thousand species which are living in natural places of Mazandaran, it is like a natural zoo which you can enjoy visiting them in wild. In Mazandaran you can find beautiful handicrafts in a very reasonable price. Mazandaran kilim is famous and they are cheaper than you think, Mazandarani craftsmen make handicrafts in a very sophisticated manner and export them to many parts of the world, they are masters in woodworking and their pottery is unique in quality and form. If you visit Mazandaran, I am sure you wish to go there as a commuter and visit it many times. Today We have a highway from Tehran that reaches mazandaran in less than 4 hours and even in winter the local tourists go to Mazandaran as an excursion and they stay in Mazandaran for one or two days. So next time you visit Iran you can choose Mazandaran province as an excursion for one or two days to enjoy the natural sceneries of Mazandaran and Caspian Sea.


How to arrange your itinerary?


 It is better to use a travel agent to arrange your Itinerary. Mazandaran province is full of tourists all the time. No matter if it is winter or summer, hot or cold, raining or not. Many people rush to Mazandaran on each holiday. It is a suitable destination for every local tourist .and booking a flight is a nightmare any time. It is better to let us arrange your visit to Iran .   You can rely on our experience , connections and more than 30 years of experience . Our local guides and professional staff will help and support you in a very simple and proper way. They help you to get the best service during your travels in Iran. Our team on sanapersian tour and travel agency are ready to answer you 24/7 and they never leave you alone during your tour. Please follow us on social media   “” site . 


Best time to travel to Mazandaran


Every time is the best time to visit Mazandaran, and in 4 seasons of the year you can travel to Mazandaran. There is no limitation in this manner and each season has its own beauties. The only limitation is finding a ticket to flight and finding a good accommodation. We are ready to service you. Just call us, we will arrange anything you need. 



Visiting Mazandaran is a must, , visiting Mazandaran is fun all the time, just start and ask from us to supply all your needs from booking tickets to finding a good place to stay. Try it,we promise you it's worth it . Please find us on sanapersian tour and travel agency official site “”


 (Sana Persian tour and travel service provider group)

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