

  • Population 1.9M
  • Area km² 28,294


Lorestan is one the oldest territories from 4 thousands years ago. yes it is true, from many years ago the people who, because of lack of writing tools and writing language, are now unknown but they lived and occupied a vast area of Iran which is named as lurestan or lorestan province today.

History of Lorestan


lorestan nature is unique because of the climate and diversity of flora and fauna and there are different climate zones which related to the weather flows from Mediterranean Sea which bring water in form of rain or snow to lors land.
lorestan nature is diverse and you can find many different zones from hot lands to very cold mountains which are freezing in winter but moderate and cool in spring or summer. Actually the spring in Iran starts from march and in April you can find a true heaven in lorestan territory. You cannot imagine how beautiful and green lorestan nature is in summer and spring . 


Tourism in lorestan


There are many different areas from climate and weather point of view in lorestan. In some places there are hot and dry land and in some places you can find more water and because of humidity you can find a really different climate in wet zones. There are many rivers in the province and because of this there are vast green pastures where thousands of sheep and goats are grazing in those rich pastures in spring and summer. Because of this the dairy industry in lorestan is growing and today a large amount of those dairy products are exported to neighboring provinces like Hamadan, Isfahan , Khuzestan , Ilam and Kermanshah.
In other words, Lorestan is one of the most diverse area of Iran and because of this it has one of the best potentials to attract local and international tourists who are interested to taste lorestan nature in the hot weather of Iran.
Iran itself is located in a very hot land and cool and normal weather is like a bonus from mother nature. In the hot summers of Iran, lurestan accepts thousands of local people who seek a cool and moderate weather to escape from the hot weather of central and south.
Lorestn has many big cities and among all of them, khoramabad and azna, lorestan are one of the biggest and most attractive cities which is targeted as tourist cities in spring and summer.
Lorestan is old enough to hold many picturesque sites like Mahi Kur Cave  and thousands of hikers rush to lorestan area in summer and winter.
Normal cultural tourists refuse to visit lorestan in winter and mostly the hikers and adventurers target lorestan in winter to challenge themselves against cruel lorestan nature and improve their ability and techniques in the harsh climate of the mountains of lorestan area.

Khoramabad is capital of provinces and Lurs of this city have more prosperity against other small cities like azna, lorestan. In city center of khoramabad you can find a very large citadel known as falakol Aflac castle which has a big role in attracting tourists to city in summer and winter.
Khoramabad city is a very big capital today and it has an international Airport.
There are many interesting natural sites in lorestan nature as bisheh water fall and seimareh river. In seimareh roaring river you can find a special huge fish monster which known as “Shirbod fish” which is as big as a large shark and it very delicious to eat. Each year thousands of fishers’ rush to seimareh river to try their chance to find out of those monsters and challenge themselves to cope hardness of finding and fishing that huge fish in lorestan nature.
One of the most attractive plants in lorestan flora and fauna are Overturned tulips which are endemic to this area of iran. This endemic flower has a big role in literature and folklore writing in Iran and because of uniqueness it attracts thousands of tourists from other parts of country or even abroad each spring and attracts many naturalists and documentary movie makers and because of this you can find many people in vast lands of overturn tulips in lorestan nature.
Beside the unique flora, in lorestan you can find many different and diverse animals in this province's nature. You can find many unique animals like wild boar, bears, ibex, sheep, fox, wolf, and many other wild animals which are genuine of Iran, Lorestan nature.
Lorestan is one of the best areas to produce meat in the whole area of iran and because of this you can find the best Kebab and barbeque in lorestan area. Their cuisine is unique and if you taste their Kebab and local bread you will never forget the taste and flavor of that savory dish forever. In Lorestan you can find the best foods and beverages and among all drinks the mixture of sour yogurt and water tasted by salt and special herbs is a unique drink which is worth a taste .
Lorestan is sixth big and populated province among all provinces of Iran, but governments in last 5 decades refused to understand the potentials of this province and most of the lorestan cities are under developed and new governments should understand this key in dustry and invest more on infrastructure of tourism industry and focus on promoting the whole province to attract more people and invest more in tourism industry by attracting more people and increase more money to invest and develop tourism in future.

Culture and customs of lorestan


The people of lorestan are named Lurs or lur and their language is named Luri language. Luri language or language of lors is unique and very close to old Pahlavi language which was used as official language of Persians from 530 BC and contemporary language of Persians today has roots in that language but different words and accents changed it in a way we cannot understand their language with todays plain language of Iran.
Genuine people of lorestan have their old traditions, language, wearing and foods and they are known as brave according to their history in the area of Iran.
Lurs are famous because of their traditions and you can find reflection of ancient history and traditions in their style of life today.
To be frank, they have a reputation as stubborn people who were against rulers and governments of old times in history of Iran.
Lorestan people are happy all the time and you can find traces of this happiness in Lorestan music. Lorestan musicians are highly graded in ability and their musical instruments are different from other area of iran.
Even the luri outfit is different. The women’s clothing is more colorful and diverse but the men’s outfit is very simple and normally in black and white and a hat to protect them against harsh climate of lorestan area.
lors literature is very close to old fashion Persian history and learning their genuine pure language helps people to understand more about Luri language and literature.
lorestan people experienced many different old to modern rulers and governments from 2000 BC until today.
Lorestan province flourishing history is reflected to today’s life of lorestan people and touching lorestan people traditions and life style is a little hard and different even today. Understanding Luri language is hard even for genuine local people of Iran today and this is the reason for lack of information about lur an luri people of Iran today.

How to arrange your itinerary?


Because of poor infrastructure specially in accommodation it is better to arrange your itinerary according the recommendations of professional local guides and travel makers.
First of all, you should choose the season to visit and in normal times spring and summer is the best time to visit lorestan province.
It is better to choose a proper travel agency to arrange your itinerary according to your needs and aims. Our professional people in sanapersian tour and travel agency are ready to help you to find the best itinerary and support you before and during your travel. do not hesitate to reach us on our site. You can find us on social media and use their information about travel to lorestan in advance.
We are looking forward to see you in lorestan area, maybe in Khoramabad city .

Best time to travel to Lorestan


As mentioned above, the best time to visit lorestan area depends on your taste and needs, if you are adventurer the time is not an important factor, even winter is suitable to you but if you are a normal tourist, it is better to travel in spring and summer. It is better before any act to consult our staff on sanapersian.travel site and ask them to find out the best time to travel according to your needs. 

  (Sana Persian tour and travel service provider group)

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