

  • Population 3.1 m
  • Area 181,756 km²


Kerman, the city of carpets and rugs, where people engrave their hopes and dreams on the carpets

In south east of Iran, in border to Afghanistan and in junction of historical silk road, located a land flourishing from thousand years ago, Kerman, land of humble people, land of heroes, land of people which are thriving the hot climate of central desert of Iran, land of drought and harsh climate, cold in night, hot in noon, freezing times in winter and brazing sun in summer. But beyond all shortages and problems you can find one of the richest part of Iran, kerman Iran, Iran kerman, no matter if you choose the name, Kerman is like a country, self-sufficient, rich, land of prosperity, land of richness, land of hard working people, land of abundance of natural resources, copper mines, gold mines, precious stones, ores, fruits, grains, industrial resources, car factories, steel factories, tourism, culture, universities, rugs, carpets, land of trades …. It is not possible to consider all possibilities and potentials of kerman in some words, you must taste the culture, you should stay there, you should talk to people, you should walk in desert streets, you should touch the architecture, you should visit the old fashioned gardens, you should watch the people running in hot desert, you should understand how much experience is accumulated in thousands of years of history just in a piece of land. You should taste the foods; you should surf the kerman province area. You should stay in hotels in kerman Iran and breathe the hot air of dessert to understand how the people tolerated this harsh climate and made it one of the richest parts of the world in the 16th century. Imagine you are living in a hottest points of the world not Iran,kerman carpet is famous not just in Iran but around the world, you should visit antique kerman rug stores or workshops to understand how hard is carpet weaving and why kerman carpet is so famous in world and why everyone likes to have a carpet from kerman province area? Kerman is an important target for tourism and each year thousands of local and international tourists visit kerman as one of the attractive parts of country and because of this choosing kerman as a target for your itinerary is a must and it is better including it as a basic part of your program if you like to taste a real culture and architecture of old historical Iran.
In Kerman you can find old fashion gypsies migrating to Iran thousands of years ago but named as “kohli” in Persian language, these gypsies or “Kohlis” were running through the country or cross the borders as ironsmith  made a very important role in farming and industries in old times. Even now there are some of those craftsmen that work like their ancestors but unfortunately the number of these people , especially kerman kohli  are declining dramatically and if you like to visit them, rush to visit Iran as soon as you can to never miss this unique opportunity that may never repeat in your precious life.
If you like to visit kerman Iran, you can count on the help of “sana Persian tour and travel service provider group” to get the best advice and support while arranging your travel program. Our professional agents are ready to help you and we like to serve you as our brothers and sisters. We are waiting to see you in kerman seriously in the next season. so please do not hesitate to call us on “ ”. or you can find us on social media. Thank you for choosing us as your best professional guide in visiting kerman Iran.

History of Kerman


Kerman was established by the Sassanid dynasty as the furthest barrier and defensive borderline in the east. After Arab conquest and invasion of Muslims, kerman defeated and ruled by other dynasties like Mongols and Timurid dynasty, during Safavid dynasty it flourished as an important piece of puzzle in silk road and many historians as Marco polo wrote many about the wealth and prosperity of this old city. This role continued to the Qajar dynasty and until today , Kerman is one of the most prominent cities in Iran and because of its strategic role in GDP and copper production and facilities and tourist potentials it has a key role in the industry and economy of modern and progressive Iran.

Kerman tourism 


Kerman is one of the attractive destinations for local and international tourists’ the whole year. Kerman is a country itself. People of kerman are warm and friendly, you never think you are alone. Walking in the bazaars and narrow streets of kerman historical city is a very unique experience you cannot imagine and you should experience it . Shopping in the genuine old bazaar of kerman is another experience you should taste yourself. Kerman is a very modern city, you can rent a car from “car rental kerman” site and run through the roads of kerman and enjoy the deserts of “Shahdad” which are unique not in Iranian deserts but in the whole middle east. “kalutes” of “Shahdad” deserts are unique structures worth seeing. You can taste delicious foods of kerman cuisine and you can taste kerman fruits and sweets of this city when you are visiting the kerman province area. kerman carpet is famous not in Iran itself but the whole world is looking for genuine kerman carpet to buy. So you can find the best quality kerman rugs at a very reasonable price you cannot find in any part of the world, you can kill two birds with one stone.
Kerman is famous not only because of its old history and historical sites but also because of the warm people living there and the old and modern culture which mixed together. Kerman is a cocktail of different ethnics and cultures made a unique complex you cannot find in other parts of the country. The people of kerman are very fond of football games and they have a very strong and consistent football league in the province and country. Their team is supported by the copper industry and copper mines of kerman that are rich enough to have one of the best teams in the national league of Iran. Copper in Persian language is “mes” and the league of Kerman football is named after the copper industry as “mes kerman fc”. Each season thousands of fans gather at Kerman sport complex and support their team in a very unique manner. If you visit Kerman, you can visit the “mes Kerman” team and you will understand how warm and active Kerman football fans are.
Kerman has a crucial role in the old silk road business. Even today kerman is a very important destination in the tourism industry.
Culture and customs of province
Kerman is located in a crossroad of different cultures, in the borders of Afghanistan kerman absorbs the Buddhist culture of China and India while the majority of kerman people are strict Muslims like those who  lived in Iran more than 14th centuries. People of kerman are very modern and open minded. Kerman citizens have a legacy of thousand years of culture and customs. You should experience this culture and customs yourself to understand how complicated their customs are while their culture is so simple and warm. People of kerman have very simple life in a hot desert . 

How to arrange your itinerary?



Kerman is located in a very far and remote area. The best way to reach kerman is by choosing a flight or booking a train.
Arranging a proper itinerary is not very simple and it is better you consult a professional guide to arrange a ticket to book a good hotel. It would be more fruitful if you ask from our professional staff on “sana Persian tour and travel service provider group” to arrange your itinerary. They have more than 30 years of experience in this field and they can arrange the best program fit to your needs and desires. So please kindly do not hesitate to ask us any question and san persian group will answer as soon as they can. You can find us on “” or other social media apps. We are waiting to see you soon In kerman iran.

Best time to travel to province


Kerman is located on a very hot land, harsh climate is very basic in deserts of Iran and because Kerman is located in lower latitudes , it is warm enough to reach 60 degrees centigrade in summer and because of high altitudes in winter , it is freezing .  even some of the waterfalls like “Rayen Waterfall” in Rayen city is like an ice pillar in cold winters. Local people mostly travel to Kerman in spring , March and April and again in fall and late September to the end of October. But it does not mean that you cannot travel to Kerman in other seasons. Arranging a tour in winter and summer is simpler because of the low season, you can find better prices for accommodation, transportation and even dining in summer and winter with very cheap rates and reasonable prices , so why don’t you choose to visit Iran in your new year holidays? In January the whole country except south (near the Persian Gulf) is too cold but because of global warming in these years the weather is more pleasant and warmer compared to old years. In the middle of summer Kerman is too hot, may some senior citizens have problems in hot weather but for other people experiencing hot weather Kerman may be more challenging and it is more attractive for the younger generation to visit a hot country in the middle of summer.
Our professional staff are ready to arrange your travel anytime according to your special interests and needs in a way you have experienced the best time of your life. In any case you can consult our professional guides on “sana Persian tour and travel service provider group” or on “'' our professionals are ready to answer you 7*24 and 365 days of the year. Please do not hesitate to ask us any question or service you like to have during your travel . from ticket booking to hotel and accommodation reserving process.

Pros and cons


Kerman has an old history, its historical sites are waiting for you to visit them . Its hotels are good, dining is good as well, it is worth visiting and you never lose your precious time.
Kerman is too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Reaching Tehran is a little far away and it is better if you choose flights. It is a little expensive but faster.




Visiting Kerman beside Isfahan and Shiraz is a must and it is better if you choose this golden triangle. Kerman is a very old city and inside its progressive culture you can find a very new and modern culture. People are open minded and the whole province has a good infrastructure. It has an international airport and railway system too. Many good roads are ending in Kerman. Kerman has good accommodation facilities and good hotels and boutique hotels too. The province is located in the heart of the desert and riding to Kerman via these roads is a unique experience. It is better to include Kerman to your itinerary if you like to have a complete sense of old fashioned historical cities of Iran, beside Isfahan, Yazd and shiraz.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Kerman in future.


 (Sana Persian tour and travel service provider group)

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