

  • Population 1m
  • Area 19,368 km²


Hamedan province is one of the most historical and cultural places in Iran. Its history goes back to more than 2500 years ago. Hamedan city is the capital of  “hamedan” province .one of the four capitals of “Achaemenid” dynasty in old Persia was “Hegmatane” which was the old hamedan .


History of Hamedan

Hamedan is an old fashioned cultural area which was the cradle of cultures and history in the old empire of Persia. hamedan is the real cocktail of culture and religion in Iran. In hamedan you can find a mix of Muslims, Jewish, Zoroastrians living together peacefully. In some places they speak Turkish language, in other parts the tribes of “lurestan or lures” are living, you can find “Qashqai” tribes in hamedan while most of hamedan population are pure Persians who speak Farsi. There are many Nomads settled down in hamedan or crossing the hamedan lands and migrating to other provinces in winter and summer. One of the most beautiful cities of Hamedan province is “Tuyserkan” city of Hamedan. “Tuyserkan” is a very green land and it is land of walnut trees in Iran. Most of the gardens in “Tuyserkan” are covered by walnut trees and this city is the biggest producer of walnuts in Iran. Hamedan is a land of natural sceneries too. Many peaks and mountains and caves today are the target of adventure tourism. Each year hundred of thousands of tourists aim to visit hamedan cave and many hikers aim to climb Hamedan peaks in summer or winter. In city center of Hamedan, the “ikbatan” old city is lied and it is one of the interesting cultural sites in Hamedan, in “Ikbatan” or “Hegmatane” is remaining of one of fourth capitals in Achaemenid dynasty that attracts many international and national tourists each year. Hamedan province and Hamedan city have a very good infrastructure for the tourism industry and are one of the targets in the tourism industry and are must-go places for national and international tourists visiting Iran. Hamedan is very cold in winter and all picks have a snow cap in winter. In spring this huge amount of snow starts to melt and many natural seasonal rivers start to irrigate gardens and farms and hamedan is one of the important farming and dairy production places  in Iran. the hamedan cave is very attractive for local tourists. This cave is very long and because there is a natural river inside the cave the tourists use boats to visit the cave, each year thousands of tourists visit this cave and it is a favorite for local tourists visiting hamedan. 

Tourism in Hamedan


 Hamedan is an old cultural city in Iran. Hamedan is land of different religions too. In center of capital city “Hamedan” , you can find the “ Esther and Mordekhai” tomb which is very recommended to visit for Jewish tourists . It is like mecca for muslims and visiting this tomb is a must for Jewish people before they die. One of the other tomb which is very admitted to visit for Jewish people is Hebecuk the prophet who is very appreciated between Jewish people and other religious people and even today is a very admitted target for religious people even Muslims in today society of Iran . Because of the location of “Esther and Mordekhai” tomb in hamedan it can be one of the highest points in international religious destinations and it can attract many Jewish pilgrims want to visit this religious site in future.
The weather in hamedan is a little cold in winter but there are many hikers which with to visit Hamedan in winter and this change the game in tourism destinations between other cities and provinces which claim to raise their tourism position in the whole country.
people of Hamedan and other cities in Hamedan province are rich enough to invest lots of money in industries and tourism each year. In hamedan you can find good accommodation from very luxury hotels to many friendly boutique hotels and rustic houses, you can find accommodation and dining facilities in a reasonable fee and because of this the rate of tourism of Hamedan in country is rising each year. But Hamedan needs more investment in the accommodation and dining section to support thousands of tourists which visit Hamedan each year . although even now it has a good position supporting the increasing amount of tourists who aim for Hamedan in their itinerary.

culture and customs of Hamedan


Hamedan culture is rich and there are many tribes which live together and interchange their culture and traditions and learned to live together in a very peaceful manner. There are many other cultural cities like Malayer around Hamedan which has a significant role in GDP of the province, Malayer is famous for tourism and dairy productions, Malayer has the best grape paste in country. Grape paste is famous in the country and Malayer produce the best kind of it  in Iran. 
hamedan is land of handicrafts specially pottery in Iran. In Hamedan and in “Lalejin” village the people produce thousand tons of pottery and ceramics and export it to other parts of the country or other countries of the world.
Hamedan handicrafts are very famous but the pottery of Lalejin has a great position in souvenirs of Hamedan. The other important souvenir of Hamedan is grape paste of Malayer and you can find many other handicrafts of Hamedan that make your friends and family members happy . One of the other important attraction of Hamedan city is “Ibn sina” tomb in city center of Hamedan, the great scientist and philosopher “Ibn-e-sina” is buried there and the architecture or even the place of burial is very attractive for fans of him . 

Hamedan people have their own dialect and accent talking together and they are very interested in culture and poetry. Even the word hamedan itself means “The people who know everything” or “The land of all literate’s people”, hamedan is a very beautiful city. People are rich and there are many cultural centers. People of hamedan are very sophisticated and their culture is amazing. 

How to arrange your itinerary?


Reaching Hamedan is easy via different roads ending to Hamedan. But finding a flight is not very simple. It is better to find a travel agent to add booking of flight and accommodation to your itinerary. There are many local guides to arrange your needs visiting Iran and hamedan. The professionals of sanapersian.travel are ready to arrange all the bookings and needs of your personal itineraries and they will support you from beginning to the last steps of your travel to IRAN. Do not hesitate to ask us any question, we will support you before and after your travel to our country Iran. We are waiting to visit you in hamedan province soon and until then you can find us on our professional site sanapersian.travel or on our social media pages. 


Best time to travel to Hamedan


 Hamedan is located in mountains and it has a very cold in winter and moderate in summer and fall. But it is most beautiful in spring when the snows are melting in high lands and rivers running in mountains and irrigate the lower lands of Hamedan. Visiting Hamedan is a very great experience. But Hamedan is cold In winter , tolerating minus degrees is not very simple for senior citizens and very young people. In summer Hamedan is like paradise for local tourists, the cool weather attracts many people to visit. Spring is best time to visit Hamedan province and Hamedan city. All the greens are blooming and you can find new life in cold city of Hamedan.
hamedan is not very far from Tehran, capital of Iran, there is a very good highway connecting Tehran to Hamedan, the average distance between Tehran to hamedan is near 5 hours riding and you can reach Hamedan between 5 to 6 hours which in Iran standards is very acceptable. Hamedan has international airport and there are regular flights from Tehran  the capital to hamedan each day, there are other roads that end to Hamedan form other cities and there are several international flights from other countries to Hamedan in special days of week. There are many good roads and highways connecting Hamedan to other cities and you can find many tourist buses transporting people from other cities to Hamedan.



Hamedan is a very beautiful and cultural center. Visiting a place which is known as cradle of 2500 years of history is fun .  cold weather of Hamedan restricts tourism in winter. To find the best time and booking best hotels in Hamedan it is better to call our professionals on sanapersian.travel and ask them the best time of year according to your specific needs and aims of your program. They are ready to answer you 24/7 in a very proper way. contact our professionals on sanapersian.travel official site or call us on social pages.

  (Sana Persian tour and travel service provider group)

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