

  • Population 3.1M
  • Area 5,833 km²


alborz province is a very historic place. Its history goes back to thousand years before the Achaemenes dynasty, when many tribes lived in Persia. After migration of Aryans to this land most of those ancient tribes were pushed to the western borders of Iran.
When Aryans settled down to this territory the real Persian civilization formed and many cities started to grow as the place we know today Tehran and new born neighbor province, alborz.


History of Alborz


Actually new born alborz province was a part of Tehran province not long and it is divided from Tehran as a new province to promote its progress and give the power to the hand of alborz province authorities.
The name of alborz province is derived from alborz ranges spread from west to east of north of Iran. the highest peak of mountains in alborz range is Damavand around 5671 meters from sea level and each year thousands of hikers try to climb up Damavand and they try to change their record progressively.
karaj city is very close to Mazandaran province and from old times there were many hikers and businessmen who worked like commuters and from a suburb city named “Taleghan” and brought goods like rice, dried and smoked fish and wooden handicrafts from Mazandaran to Tehran and other goods from Tehran to Mazandaran , not too far maybe around 60 years ago.
When Iran progressed around world war two, the road between Chaloos and karaj was made and the first real new dam was established near karaj. At that time, karaj was a part of Tehran and this new hydraulic facility started to support Tehran water piping system and as a new resource of water Tehran started to pilot a new water pipe serving system. Meanwhile this Dam provided the first hydraulic electric generator for people of Tehran at that time.
Beside everything you should keep in your mind alborz province is very historic land and many different old and ancient dynasty’s like Medians, Achaemenes, Sassanid and even Islamic dynasties ruled in this part of Iranian territory for more than 3000 years.



Today Karaj is a metropolis which not only supports Tehran province but supports a big part of the modern cities around it like chaloos, Qazvin, and suburbs like Shahriar and other small cities around it.
You can find many ancient historical sites like “Ozbeki teppe” or ozbeki dune and old historical city of “saveh” in south of province which its history goes back to thousands of years ago . Even the language and dialect to people of saveh is different and their dialect is very close to Pahlavi’s language, Saveh today is located in markazi province but very close to karaj city.
One of the other historical sites in alborz province is located near Hashtgerd city between karaj and Qazvin city and its name is “Yengi Emam” district, there is a very beautiful caravanserai and a small masque which its roots returns back to “Ilkhanid dynasty” the descendants of Genghis khan invaders ruled Iran for centuries and their architecture is far different from old dynasties of Iran. this historic place is unique because all pilgrims that intended to visit mecca and Saudi Arabian Peninsula , started their travel from this caravanserai . Actually this place is the first step of first religious national and international people who intend to visit mecca in old times. Today you can find just remaining of mosque and those old fashion accommodation facilities . But this historical site has its own beauty and meaning for Muslims of Iran.
One of the other small cities which worth to visit is kordan city, not many years ago it was a small village which people visited just to and excursion, it has beautiful sceneries and you can find natural wild animals like alborz ibex, wild boar, and birds specially in rut season and spring.
In vicinity of karaj there is a small city named as “mehrshahr” which shams palace, the house of Shams sister of last shah in Pahlavi dynasty is located and it is famous because of architecture and form, the palace is formed like a ship in oceans and after the 1978 revolution it is confiscated and changed to a museum and today it belongs to cultural heritage ministry. In some days visitors can visit shams place and enjoy visiting the shams place, pearl palace.
alborz province has its own beauties and natural sceneries, the roads, the mountains, gardens and all natural beauties attract many tourists each year and its unique natural flora and fauna magnetize eyes of national and international tourists and scientists which are trying to know more about Iran specially alborz province.
karaj has one of the biggest industrial zones and thousands of industrial corporations are located in a vast area of alborz province.
Fortunately, alborz province capital karaj is located in the vicinity of Tehran( the capital of Iran), there is a very good infrastructure in karaj and there is a very large and good highway which interconnects both cities together.
By train you have access to karaj less than 45 minutes by subway and you can visit Karaj just in one day. there are millions of commuters travel between two cities each year and there are millions of people who work in Tehran and live in karaj and vice versa.
There are many good facilities for tourists to visit karaj and other cities of Alborz mountainous city and you can find best restaurants and food just in karaj and suburbs of this metropolis just in a short distance of Tehran, the capital.
If you have enough time or you have a business life in Tehran, it is worth it to visit this city and enjoy the cool weather of mountains just on a holiday. You can enjoy natural sceneries of karaj and cool down in hot weather of Tehran summers and escape from the polluted weather of Tehran in winters.

In hot summers it is very cool if you visit mountains of karaj and in winter if you are looking to experience winter sports and skiing in beautiful mountains of Alborz, you can visit Dizin winter sport center and enjoy looking snow capped peaks of Alborz ranges in Alborz province near Tehran.
Next time you are visiting Iran, Tehran, it is not bad if you go to a short excursion to karaj city, capital of Alborz province and taste the different culture and dialect of people who are living near capital but keep in mind they have their own tradition and culture.

Culture and customs 


There are many different tribes like Tats, Turks, Persians, lures, Kurds and many other different tribes located and settled down from historic times and they are living together peacefully under the flag of Iran and Iranian territory.
  People of alborz province and karaj have their own traditions from old times and many different tribes have their own cultural codes and dialects and are living together in a very peaceful manner.
The people of alborz province are warm and they like guests and treat them in a very friendly manner. If you visit the mountains of alborz province you can find out how warmly and friendly they treat you and how they help you in any aspect of your travel.
Alborz has a good special zoo in “safa dasht” and there is a unique garden museum which explains the culture and life of Iranian people in a very delicate way.
Alborz province has many handicrafts such as carpet weaving, metal working. Wood working, potteries and many other handicrafts which attract thousands of tourists to alborz province each year.

How to arrange your itinerary?


Fortunately, because alborz province and karaj city are in the way of western parts of Iran like Azerbaijan and western borders of Iran, there are many good roads and highways that end to this province from Tehran and other neighbor provinces like Qazvin and Gilan and Mazandaran province.
There is a special train line from Tehran to central part of capital of alborz province, karaj, which you can travel just for 40 minutes and from this line you have access to both provinces, Tehran and karaj and this is like a bonus for locals to transfer between two cities in shortest time and cheapest way. Because of this bonus , karaj is like a dormitory for people who are working in Tehran and living in alborz province.
There are many good facilities visiting Alborz province for every local or international tourist, but because naturally countless local tourists rush to karaj and Alborz  province in holidays, timing is a key point for excursionist intend to visit Alborz province for one or two consecutive holidays, unless you cannot approach to your intended location simply and you waist your precious time just in bad traffic jam of roads and highways end to karaj and Alborz mountains.
It is better to ask a professional agent like sanapersian tour and travel agency to arrange your itinerary according to your time and find the best time to travel.
Our people in sanapersian travel agency are ready to answer your questions in short time. You can rely on our support before and during your travel. We are looking forward to visit you in Iran, karaj and other cities of beautiful Alborz province soon.

Best time to travel to Alborz        


Best time to visit Alborz is in spring, Iran is located in a hot zone and just in spring you can find blooming trees and other flora in Iran.
In spring you can find green trees and emerald pastures in the green Alborz province.
If you want to enjoy snow capped peaks of Alborz ranges, you can choose winter and skiing in natural and manmade slopes dedicated to winter sports and there are many good facilities in those parts of the country. If you like hiking you can choose both summer and winter.

   (Sana Persian tour and travel service provider group)

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